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- By ceukz1_admin
The Mystery of Christ
If you don’t know the mystery of Christ, how are you going to know you? If you don’t know you, how are you going to live the Christian life?
Colossians 1:15
Pastor wants us to comprehend the meaning of the firstborn of all creatures.
Jesus made all things, visible or invisible, and they all belong to him.
Jesus is not a religious leader; he came to reveal God to us. He was God in the flesh. He didn’t come to start a religion.
Colossians 1:20-27
Christ is in you. You have to be conscious of the living Christ in you. Something made Jesus the Christ, it was the presence of the Holy Ghost. Jesus was anointed with the fullness, the seven spirits of God. Not some, but the fullness.
And if you have received Christ, this precious glorious presence of the Holy Spirit, then you have the fullness of God. Refuse to be body-conscious!
1 Peter 1:21
God gave Jesus the glory that He has given us. Jesus gave us glory.
Romans 8:29-30
We were predestinated. We were called. We were justified. We were glorified.
Confess it yourself
‘I work in glory. God has glorified Himself in me.
You can’t shame me. It’s impossible.
I’m a gloried man. Honour, beauty glory’
John 2:19-23
He spake of the temple of His body. John 19:34 he that saw it bare record… John says the Roman soldiers pierced him with the sword. Once Jesus said it is finished many things happened that made the soldiers confess that this is the son of God. They broke the legs of the thieves. To be sure, they pierced Him and blood and water came out, his heart had ruptured.
All the time, John had been trying to tell us who Jesus was. Every time they came across the brook, they saw blood and water coming out of the temple from the sacrifices. Jesus is truly the temple of God
Hebrews 9:11-12
The Perfect tabernacle. Obtained eternal redemption for us.
Romans 4:24-25
Raised from the dead for our justification. Jesus was born again when he was raised from the dead. That’s where the church came out of from His resurrection, not from the cross. He came up with a new life. Every one of us who believe in Jesus was resurrected with him. You are now a new species. A new kind of life has started. Now that you’re born again, you’ve got no past.
You were born a new creature without a past, that died with Jesus. Everyone died in Jesus. But By His resurrection, all men should have life. The legality of Jesus’ death is that when He died, everyone died.
Pastor went on to expand on the Christian living and operating in a separate world system.
2 Corinthians 4:3-4
The word ‘WORLD’ is translated from the Greek word ‘AION’. It refers to the course of life, it refers to the age in which men function. An era; the course of one’s life. The systems and structures of that time.
God wants us to understand what’s happening in the world. The systems and structures of this world can never glorify God. These systems are never designed to deliver peace, no matter how hard they try, because they are created by the god of this world.
When Jesus said you are of your father the devil, he was referring to those who are from God and those who are not. That’s why he said you must be born again. The world that doesn’t know God, cannot give you what God can give. They set up structures, with which they want to do good, but it can’t happen because the one who heads the world and its systems, is the selfish one the devil.
In this current season, there’s a struggle in the spirit, because God’s people are waking up. Satan has had a long time, acting like he runs the KOSMOS, but he only ran the AION of this world.
John 16:33
Here Jesus is talking about the KOSMOS, which is different from AION. And depending on what you’re communicating at the moment. The word can have varying and varied applications. So to decipher it, understand application; whether in a narrow or a wider context.
KOSMOS refers to the natural order, the inhabitants, the world as a globe. The word can be used when talking about the earth, or worldly kingdom, like saying the Egyptian empire or the Roman Empire; when it could be referred to as the world.
Jesus is using a wider context, in referring to the world, in its wider order, natural order and all that is happening in it. ‘OIKOUMENE’, means it covers all of the kingdoms and those operating it.